MILES 89.9 - 96.5

Section Distance

2022 AC100 Inspiration Point 2 Aid Station Volunteers (normally Millard on regular course). Photo: Jenny Welch

2022 AC100 Inspiration Point 2 Aid Station Volunteers (normally Millard on the regular course). Photo: Jenny Welch


Despite it being “all downhill from here,” the course is still quite technical and demanding in the last 11 miles. Runners follow the single-track trail to the South and into the trees towards Echo Mountain/Cobb Estate. Traversing cliffs for a mile, runners pop out to a view of the city and begin a technical 1300’ descent to Echo Mountain, 2.5 miles PAS. Taking one right turn and then another right at the Echo junctions, runners head gradually uphill on the old Mt. Lowe Railway for 200’ and 0.7 miles to the Sunset Trail/Cape of Good Hope. Reaching a paved road, runners turn left and 100’ later make a right turn onto the Sunset Trail following it down into Millard Canyon. After 2 miles and 1300’, the trail levels out for 0.4 miles before joining a paved road. You’ll turn right and run this road for 0.3 miles to re-enter the Sunset Trail – it will be marked, but be on the lookout for this junction. If you’re ever on a road for more than a few minutes, you have missed a turn. Once back on the trail, it’s just a quick 0.7 mile, 300’ descent to the aid station at Millard Campground, mile 96.5, elevation 1,880’.

2022 AC100 Inspiration Point 2 Aid Station Volunteers (normally Millard on regular course). Photo: Jenny Welch

The Millard aid station crew were some of the sweetest. They laughed at my jokes which is about all it takes for me.

2022 AC100 Inspiration Point 2 Aid Station Volunteers (normally Millard on regular course). Photo: Jenny Welch
2022 AC100 Inspiration Point 2 Aid Station Volunteers (normally Millard on regular course). Photo: Jenny Welch
Sam Merrill to Millard - Overview
Sam Merrill to Millard - Detail Map 1-3
Sam Merrill to Millard - Detail Map 4
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