Updated  July 2, 2024. The AC100 Rules and Policies are designed for the safety and well-being of everyone involved in the race;  including runners, pacers, crews, volunteers and spectators – as well as the general public who may choose to  enjoy the public lands of the Angeles National Forest on race weekend. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the disqualification of the runner.  

All runners in both the Crewed and Solo divisions must adhere to all of the following rules. An additional set of rules for the Solo runner has been added at the end.

The runner is responsible for knowing and abiding by all the rules. 

Runners are required to pick up their own race packet on Friday and may not send anyone else to pick it up for them.

Please do not use the USFS brown bear-proof trash  containers at aid stations. Runners should throw all of  their personal trash away at the aid station provided  receptacles, and crews should pack their trash out.  This is to avoid over-filling the USFS containers, which  often can’t even contain a day’s worth of weekend trash from the public and creates a hazard for wildlife.  The future of the race depends on abiding by this rule.

On a related note, (and this should be obvious), but don’t throw your trash on the ground. It is full-on illegal. This includes discarding aid cups outside of the checkpoints. This includes your fruit peels and rinds, which you may think are biodegradable but actually take forever to break down. This includes your toilet paper and feminine items (tip: pack a ziplock bag inside of a brown paper bag, throw it in there and discard at the next trash receptacle). USFS pit toilet locations are included in the Course Description, for your convenience. Runners are welcome to use the aid station provided trash bags for any wrappers they collect on the course. Accidents do happen, so we encourage everyone to pick up any errant gel tabs or trash you may find along the trail. The seconds you may lose will be made up in extra runner karma.

Runners must carry all of their own fluids, food, clothing and other supplies needed for use between checkpoints. Pacers are not allowed to carry any of this for the runner.

Runners are not allowed aid between checkpoints, plain and simple. No one is allowed to cache, drop or store supplies on the course before or during the run. Crews are forbidden to leave aid along the trail during the run, nor can they utilize highway crossings at Kratka Ridge, Pajarito, or Glenwood Springs to provide aid to runners. “Friends out on their own runs” may not offer special treats. (We’ve seen it. Don’t try it).

Aid (including water, food, ice, etc.) should only be used by the registered runner. The on-duty pacer may also use aid. Any runner who’s crew or friends are caught using the aid station for their own personal use or training run may be disqualified.

Runners must follow the marked course at all times. If he/she inadvertently departs from the marked course, the  runner must return to the point of departure under his/her own power (no car rides allowed) and continue on the  correct course. Cutting the course is grounds for immediate disqualification.

The confirmation that you have completed the course relies almost entirely on hand-recording by aid station  volunteers and reporting by HAM radio, therefore it is the runner’s responsibility to confirm they have reached each  aid station/checkpoint by properly checking in and out. Failure to do so could result in being missed at an aid  station and disqualification for cutting the course. Since congestion can be a problem, particularly at the early  checkpoints, you can help ensure you are recorded by doing the following: 

  • Keep your bib number visible.  
  • Make eye contact with the volunteers as you enter and exit the aid station and announce your arrival / departure  with a “Runner [XXX] in!” or “Runner [XXX] out!” 

Runners in the Crewed Division may be aided by a Pacer beginning at the Chilao Aid Station (mile 44.8) through the Finish. Only one pacer may accompany the runner at a time. The rules for pacing are as follows:

  • The pacer may begin running with his/her runner only at the aid station.
  • The runner may switch pacers only at the following aid stations: Red Box (mile 72.4) and Mt. Wilson (mile 79).
  • No pacers may switch at the Shortcut crew checkpoint. No pacers may “run-in” to switch at Newcomb, Sam Merrill or Millard, nor at any unofficial point along the course.
  • Pacers may not leave their vehicles parked at Chilao, Red Box, Mt. Wilson or any other aid station on the course. They must accompany a runner’s one crew vehicle or be dropped off. If any pacer is found to have left a vehicle at an aid station, his/her runner will be disqualified.
  • Pacers are allowed to accept aid from the aid station, but must do so within the designated checkpoint. If an aid station shortage occurs, please give registered runners priority.



  • Any runner 65 and older may have a pacer for the full 100 miles.
  • Any male runner 60 and older or female runner 55 and older, with at least 7 finishes, can have a pacer for 100 miles.
  • In these special cases, pacers may start with their runner and can switch at any aid station with crew access between the start and Chilao. From Chilao, pacers must follow the same rules for switching out as the general field.


Looking to pace / seeking pacer:

  • If anyone attending the race would like to pace a runner, please let the aid station captain know and they will keep a list.(Perhaps your runner has dropped or your crew duties are over and you are looking to get a little run in?) Runners IN THE CREWED DIVISION ONLY may inquire if any extra pacers are available, and if so, pick one up.
  • If you are looking to pace or seeking a pacer, you can try to coordinate in advance through the official AC100 Facebook page or by contacting the Chilao, Red Box, or Mt. Wilson aid station captain. Priority will be given to out-of-state runners.

For everyone’s safety and well-being, cutoff times will be strictly enforced at each checkpoint by the aid station captain. What this means is that the runner must LEAVE the aid station by the listed cutoff time and must continue forward on the course. They may not return to the aid station, and crew or volunteers may not provide additional aid outside of the aid station. The aid station captain will pull any runner failing to leave the aid station by the cutoff time, and this decision is final. No exceptions. Please familiarize yourself with the cutoff times listed in the AID STATION + CUTOFF CHART  or onon page 55 of the Race Book to avoid any confusion or surprises on race day.

Checkpoint leaders (aid station captains) have full authority regarding a runner at their station.  Arguing or disobeying their decision will cause disqualification of the runner.

There are a few points where the course crosses the busy, Highway 2. In these areas, the main concern is not how fast you can get across, but rather the safe movement of both pedestrian and vehicle traffic. (This is for everyone’s safety, as there are multiple accidents and deaths on Highway 2 every weekend.). A run official (flagger) will be placed at the major highway crossings to assist, and the runner is expected to obey this official’s directions and all laws pertaining to highway pedestrian crossings. A runner is considered a pedestrian, and vehicles have the right of way at all times… even during a 100 mile race.

Given the difficult nature of the course and precipitous nature of the ridges and narrow single track at night, the use of trekking poles is allowed. Runners may carry them for the duration of the race or pick/up drop them at aid stations as needed. We recommend using them in training if you’re planning on using them in the race. Learning how to use them efficiently takes a little practice and ensures they’ll be helpful, not a hindrance on race day


When accepted into the race in the Solo Division, a runner agrees to follow the above race rules plus an additional set of rules set forth for the separate division. All Solo division runners must sign the Solo Runner Agreement form at race check-in to confirm their knowledge and acceptance of the following rules. Violators will be disqualified from the race and may be banned from future runnings of the AC100. If you have any confusion about which division you are in, please consult the 2024 Entrants List on AC100.com.

A solo runner may only receive aid from his/her own drop bags, the official AC100 aid stations and official aid  station volunteers. Solo runners may not receive any aid or assistance from other runners’ crews or spectators. 

A solo runner agrees that they will travel the course alone and will not use a crew. Any attempts to subvert this rule by using another runner’s crew or “friends that just happen to show up” will not be tolerated. Solo runners will not be penalized from receiving “emotional encouragement” in the form of hugs, high fives or cheers from other runners’ crews or spectators.

A solo runner also agrees to run without a pacer. Having someone meet you “unofficially” along the course is considered cheating, just as it would be in the crewed division. A solo runner may, however, run with other registered racers in either division, which may also include a crewed runner’s pacer.

The solo runner has received special consideration for entry through the lottery, so once a Solo designation is accepted a runner may not switch to being a crewed runner. This includes prior to race day, at race check-in and during the race. To repeat, YOU CANNOT SWITCH FROM SOLO TO CREWED DURING THE RACE.

A registered runner in the general division (crewed) may switch to the Solo Division  point prior to race day.
Once the bibs are ordered, his/her division is final. To switch from Crewed to Solo please contact us.


The course will be clearly marked via surveyor’s tape and flour, but if you are unfamiliar with the course, it is always a good idea to carry a copy of the map and written directions or load the GPX files onto your GPS-enabled device.  Course vandalism is rare, but does occasionally happen. 

That said, if you do happen to find yourself lost or injured, never attempt to find your way by traveling cross country across the forest. STAY ON THE TRAIL AND WAIT. If you inadvertently veer off the trail, immediately retrace your steps back rather than continuing forward. Wandering aimlessly, especially at night, will reduce your chances of being found. 

We hope this won’t be the case, but let’s face it – stuff happens out there. If you find yourself unable to continue  the race, you absolutely must notify a race official at the next aid station. Your medical band with your name and  bib number will be surrendered, at which point the runners is considered officially dropped from the race. You  cannot leave the race without surrendering your medical band! 

If you check out of an aid station and fail to check into the next within a reasonable time, run officials will assume  you are lost and notify Search and Rescue. This could negatively influence the future of the race, so please take  this very seriously. This means that if for some reason you decide to drop between aid stations and have the  opportunity to hitch a ride at a highway crossing, YOU MUST GO TO THE NEXT AID STATION AND NOTIFY AN  OFFICIAL. If you realize you did not do this, find a way to make contact with a race official immediately.

Remote wilderness (Newcomb, Sam Merrill, and Millard) checkpoint leaders that lead checkpoints which are behind locked gates are required to insure the health and safety of all runners. This includes both you, the dropped, and runners who are still in the race. The aid station volunteers will give you a ride out the aid station, but unless there is a medical emergency, this will likely not be until the aid station closes on Sunday morning. For some runners, this could mean many hours of waiting, and we will not allow dropped or cut off runner to leave a wilderness checkpoint on his/her own volition. Please understand that this is for your safety, and we will do everything we can to keep you warm, fed, and comfortable until a way back to civilization is secured.

Any concern about another competitor violating race rules (cutting the course, accepting aid, solo runner  violations, etc.) must be presented to race management prior to the awards ceremony. We would suggest doing  so by discussing with an official at the Finish Line. Once the Race Director presents the runner their award, the  results are considered final.

AC100 awards are not for sale. If you lose an award (buckle, plaque or bronze award), please understand that we  cannot offer replacements, nor will we sell them. The only way you can get an AC100 award is to run the race and  cross the finish line. 


Any runner not registered as SOLO may use a support crew. While a runner may find this helpful, a crew is not essential to completing the AC100. There is adequate aid station support along the course with water, electrolyte replacement fluids, food, and medical aid. In addition, drop bags are allowed at all major checkpoints (see AID  STATION + CHECKPOINT CUTOFF CHART).  

If you do choose to have a crew, these individuals are considered an extension of the runner and must adhere to the following rules. Any violations may result in the disqualification of the runner. 

  • Each runner may only have one crew vehicle on the course, including at the starting line in Wrightwood and finish line at Loma Alta Park. This will be policed via a Vehicle ID Pass, which must be prominently displayed throughout the race for access to the aid stations.
  • The Vehicle ID pass does not override the other passes required to park and utilize services within the forest. A Big Pines Pass ($5 day/$30 annual) is required to use Inspiration Point and Vincent Gap, and a USFS Adventure Pass ($5 day/$30 annual) is required for all other aid stations. A crew is responsible for purchasing and displaying their own Adventure Pass, which is available at many Wrightwood businesses such as the grocery store, hardware store and gas station. We will also aim to have day passes available for purchase at runner check-in. A National Parks pass may be used in lieu of the Adventure Pass, but not the Big Pines pass.
  • Only support crew vehicles are allowed in congested parking areas. Spectators are asked to park in turnouts and walk into the aid stations. 
  • Many checkpoints are located directly along busy and dangerous Highway 2. Whether on foot or in vehicles, crews must not impede highway traffic. Crews are encouraged to carpool when possible to prevent traffic problems. 
  • DO NOT PARK OVER THE WHITE LINE. This is illegal, and violations put race in jeopardy.  Please help us ensure the race’s future by following all traffic and parking rules and signs. •Crews must comply with run officials directing traffic at all times. 
  • Crews are NOT allowed at checkpoints marked “NO” in the crew column of the AC100 checkpoint table, nor or they allowed at highway crossings or any unofficial spot on the course. We realize that some aid stations are accessible by vehicle, (Mt. Hilyer, Millard), but due to parking and noise restrictions, crews are not allowed there. Crews also may not hike into any aid station marked “NO.” 
  • Crews must not drive alongside their runner while they complete the road sections of Highway 2. This includes slowing to less than 25 MPH or in any way impeding traffic when they are passing their runner. This is incredibly dangerous for everyone involved. 
  • No dogs or pets are allowed at any aid stations or on the course. 

If a crew is determined to have broken any of the above rules, the runner will be held for one hour at the aid station  where the infraction occurs. If the runner has already left, the runner will be notified and held at the next aid  station. A second infraction will result in disqualification. 


All runners in both the general (crewed) and Solo divisions are offered drop bag service at major checkpoints. We  highly encourage using this service to ensure you have exactly what you need, when you need it, especially for any  runners with special dietary restrictions. The use of drop bags instead of a crew also helps the race minimize  highway traffic. 

To help ensure that your drop bags get to the correct checkpoint, clearly write your name, bib number and  checkpoint name on each bag, preferably in black permanent marker.  

Drop bags will be collected on Friday morning between 8:00AM – 10:30AM in front of the Wrightwood Community Building. Be sure that all bags are securely tied and labeled. Drop bags will be picked up at 11:00AM SHARP and transported to the end of the course for distribution.

While the aid stations are well stocked, you should never expect them to have exactly what you like or might be  accustomed to. If it’s imperative to your race, pack it in a drop bag! Don’t forget extra lights or batteries for the  night sections, as well as extra layers in the event it cools off. Do not pack or leave your favorite shirt or expensive  piece of gear in a drop bag. While it’s rare, the bag could get lost or accidentally opened, and race management  will not be responsible for any lost or damaged item. 

All drop bags will be returned to the finish line area as the aid stations close. All drop bags are expected to have  arrived by the end of the awards ceremony.  

Do not place valuables such as wallets, car keys or phones in your finish line drop bag. Solo runners should carry  these key items with them during the race or make other arrangements.  


This is a point-to-point race. No shuttle service is provided by the race to bring runners back to Wrightwood. Runners in all divisions are responsible for making their own arrangements. You can coordinate with other runners using our Facebook Group.

If you drop during the race and do not have a crew, you can try to negotiate a ride with another crew or spectator or wait until the aid station volunteers are able to provide a ride. Runners who drop at the first two aid stations, Inspiration Point and Vincent Gap, will be transported back to Wrightwood. A drop at the remainder of the aid stations will result in a ride to the finish line in Altadena.


Trails are marked with YELLOW surveyor ribbon and biodegradable powder. Night sections are marked by glowsticks in difficult areas. Biodegradable powder will be used to mark the trail near campgrounds, since campers have been known to remove ribbons and glow sticks, as well as help add additional marking to intersections. Please note that there could be areas where surveyors have marked trees with other colored ribbon (pink, orange, blue, fun stripes, etc.). You should always follow yellow! On the approach to the Newcomb Saddle Aid Station, runners will be required to first turn left on Red Box Rincon Rd. and run 2 miles to a turnaround point and 2 miles back to the Edison/Red Box Rincon junction before continuing the half mile to aid. There will be a table with a special hole punch stationed at the turnaround, and all runners will be required to punch their bib. This section and junction will be extremely well marked with ribbons and signage to avoid any confusion. Runners who enter Newcomb Aid Station without their bib punched will be sent back out on the course to complete the out-and-back before proceeding to Red Box. Volunteers will make all attempts to check bibs, but it is the runner’s responsibility to complete the full course and arrive to the finish line with a properly punched bib.


AC100 has 9 major aid stations and 4 wilderness stations. At each, runners can expect to find water, CarboPro, Ice and an assortment of food items. Each aid station is run by volunteers who supply their own mix of food and supplies, but in general, you can expect a mix of sweet and salty snacks, soda, fruit, and hot soup at night. If there is anything specific you must have during the race, please pack a drop bag. Runners with dietary restrictions are especially encouraged to pack their own food.


There isn’t much. Depending on which service provider you have, there are a few tiny pockets along Blue Ridge and the top of Baden-Powell and intermittent service during the last 25 miles as you approach the city. You should not rely on your phone for safety or route finding. Crews will not experience much, if any, service at all along Highway 2 and should not depend on it for driving directions.


The race is staffed by an all-volunteer medical team, led by the Medical Coordinator. These volunteers are there to provide guidance and help you make good decisions concerning your health and safety. We no longer weigh runners at aid stations and will not pull runners for excessive weight gain or loss, however a medical volunteer may make recommend either remaining at an aid station or dropping from the race. In particular, they will be looking for signs of dehydration and hypothermia. Full medical service is planned to be stationed at Islip Saddle, Chilao, Mt. Wilson, and the Finish Line.

AC100 provides support from  organizations like Sierra Madre Search & Rescue.    

In rare cases, our Search and Rescue organization may call on the Los Angeles County Sherrif Search and Rescue for an emergency evacuation.


HAM radio operators will be tracking runners’ progress at each checkpoint. Arrival, departure, and drop information will be distributed among checkpoints and to a database at the finish area using integrated radio communications and computers. This system not only makes it possible to locate runners’ positions throughout the race, it also facilitates emergency response. We ask that crews and spectators please understand that the HAM operators’ first priority is accurately and quickly communicating the whereabouts of each and every runner on the course, not to provide you with race updates. Larger aid stations may display runner check-ins and times, but this is at the discretion of the checkpoint volunteers and not required. If they are not overwhelmed with incoming/outgoing runners, they may be happy to provide you with information – just please use your best judgement and be courteous. At the Finish Line, we encourage crews and spectators to use the Live Runner Tracking on their phones to obtain updates on their runner. The link to Live Runner Tracking will appear on AC100.com homepage closer to race day.