AC100 April 2024 Status Report



The basic plan for 2024 AC100 is to finish in Altadena via  Kenyon/Devore Trail to the top of Mt Wilson, bypassing Chantry.  The race will pass through Shortcut (SC) and go on the Edison  Road to Newcomb Saddle East but after Newcomb Saddle East,  it will go on the Rincon-Redbox Road through West Fork  Campground to Redbox (RB), from Redbox it will take  GabrielinoTrail to the Kenyon/Devore Trailhead on the Gabrielino  Trail and take the Kenyon/Devore Trail to the top of Mt Wilson and to Idlehour, Sam Merrill, Millard and Loma Alta Park in  Altadena. There is a GPX file and Google Earth map you can download as well as an interactive map on the website. Newcomb  Saddle has been moved 2 miles east on the Rincon Redbox Road in order to make the course 100 miles, hence it is called  Newcomb Saddle East.

Several runners and volunteers have asked for a map to drive from 210 Freeway/Angeles Crest Hwy (ACH) Hwy 2 to Shortcut  Saddle and any Hwy Closures. The maps can be viewed and downloaded under the Info section of the website or you can click here.




The last two weekends, we have been surveying both the Rincon Redbox Road (RRR) and the Edison Road in the Shortcut/Redbox area.

The RRR is in excellent condition with several small rock slides that will be easy to repair. There aren’t any downed trees on the road which is unusual. Normally there are a half dozen trees that have to be chain sawed to clear the road. We cleared a lot of trees from the road last year.

Last year USFS ran a bladed bulldozer from RB to Rincon that cleared debris and fallen trees.

We accessed the Edison Road from SC via the Upper Big Tujunga  Canyon Road bypassing the Mt Wilson/RB HWY 2 Closure. We surveyed the Edison Road today from SC to Newcomb East to RB. The  Edison Road has a major rock slide 5.6 miles from SC that completely blocks the road. So we will have to use the RRR to access the Newcomb  Saddle (NS) to put on the aid station. Later on, we will cut a footpath through the rock slide so runners can access NS from SC during the race.

I drove from SC to IS on Hwy 2 today. Hwy 2 is clear however there is a lot of snow on the side of the road and in the general area starting at  Cloudburst Summit (7000 feet elevation). If you are interested in running on AC100 trails, starting at 3 Points, MH, Chilao and SC are free from snow. I would avoid the Edison Road till we cut a footpath Through the big rock slide. We will begin working on that section when it gets warmer in late April or early May.

We will survey the Gabrielino Trail from RB to the Kenyon Devore  Trailhead and the Kenyon Devore Trail to the top of Mt Wilson next.  Some guys have run the Kenyon Devore Trail and said it is in good  condition. Last year AC100 volunteers and another trail maintenance group did a lot of work on it and removed over a dozen big downed trees so it should be in good shape.

Also, there have been reports from runners that trails from Idlehour, through Sam Merrill and Millard are in pretty good shape. We did a lot of work on those trails last year before the race was canceled.

As of today we still have two Hwy 2 closures: (1) Mt Wilson/RB and (2)  VG/IS. Using Upper Big Tujunga Canyon Road, we can access SC,  Chilao, MH, 3 Pts, Cloudburst, and IS. And we can access IP and VG from

Wrightwood. I think most of the heavy winter snow is over. So it is looking very good that the 2024 AC100 will happen.

Cal Tran reports the Mt Wilson/RB closure may be cleared by the end of this spring and VG/IS closure will be cleared by this summer. Similar to what they said last year.

Even if they remain closed, we have the “bypass routes” to put on this year’s race.




The 2024 AC100 is looking very good. Lots of the trails and dirt roads survived the heavy winter storm in fairly good shape. However, Edison Road will require a lot of work to get it ready for the race. So far there haven’t been any big downed trees that we have to remove in the  SC/RB area. Last year we removed a lot of downed trees.

If you guys are running on the course and see any downed trees or rock slides let me know and we will fix it. Gary will remove any trees from  WW to IP to VG. We need the location where the problem is at.

Gary Hilliard (

Ken Hamada (

3 Responses

  1. Thank you and all so very very much for the continuous efforts, the time and energy, the thoughtful and ingenious problem solving, and of course the collaboration and volunteered hours that must transpire to make this event possible.
    My deep gratitude to you for making AC100 happen.

  2. When is the last time someone has driven on Upper Big Tujunga Canyon Road? Google says it’s closed now. Thanks!

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